
A red phone is shown on the screen. Wetland delineation and mitigation assessments

A red phone is shown on the screen. Benthic resource surveys (SAV, EFH, coral)

A red phone is shown on the screen. Wetland mitigation site feasibility

A red phone is shown on the screen. Natural resource damage assessments

A red phone is shown on the screen. Environmental Impact Studies

A red phone is shown on the screen. Botanical surveys

A red phone is shown on the screen. Ecological risk assessments

A red phone is shown on the screen. Biological assessments

A red phone is shown on the screen. Special-status species habitat assessments and focused/protocol-level surveys

Monitoring / Management

A turtle is laying in the grass near some bushes.

A red phone is shown on the screen. Wetland mitigation site monitoring

A red phone is shown on the screen. Wetland planting and restoration

A red phone is shown on the screen. Wetland Assessment Procedure Monitoring

A red phone is shown on the screen. Forest Management

A red phone is shown on the screen. Sea turtle nest monitoring and relocation

A red phone is shown on the screen. Construction compliance monitoring

A red phone is shown on the screen. Small mammal monitoring

A red phone is shown on the screen. T&E Species Management

A red phone is shown on the screen. Special-status species monitoring and relocation (e.g., gopher tortoise, sea turtle nest, Southeastern beach mouse, bats, shorebirds)


A red phone is shown on the screen. Environmental Resource Permitting

A red phone is shown on the screen. Clean Water Act and River and Harbors Act Permits

A red phone is shown on the screen. Preliminary Project Constraints Analysis and Routing

A red phone is shown on the screen. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

A red phone is shown on the screen. Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Species Protection Plan Review / Updates

A red phone is shown on the screen. Federal, State, and Local Wetlands / Waters Permitting

A red phone is shown on the screen. Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 and Section 10 Permitting (Biological Assessments and Habitat Conservation Plans)

A red phone is shown on the screen. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Incidental Take Permits

A red phone is shown on the screen. Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Permitting

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