Groundwater Sampling and Model for the Breeze Swept Subdivision Septic System Connection

Applied Ecology provided support in gathering input dataset, customizing a groundwater model, and comparing results to peer reviewed data for the removal of 280 septic tanks in the Breeze Swept subdivision in Rockledge. In addition, the selection and installation of five shallow groundwater wells and monitoring will be used to field verify nitrogen loading potential from septic tanks and calibrate the customized ArcNLET model run. This is the first project to design sampling to quantify the potential reduction of ammonia and nitrate-nitrite loads into an impaired waterbody by connecting a community from septic to sanitary sewer. This is a critical monitoring project that will inform the prioritization of the funding from the Save Our Indian River Lagoon Project Plan.
Modeled nutrient transport plumes within the Breeze Swept subdivision for (a) nitrate and (b) ammonium.

Modeled nutrient transport plumes within the Breeze Swept subdivision for (a) nitrate and (b) ammonium.
  • City of Rockledge
  • Alix Bernard (Planning Director)
Project Duration:
  • 2017- Ongoing
Team Members:
  • Dr. Claudia Listopad
  • William Paton
  • Kayleigh Douglass
  • Danielle Huffner
Services Provided:
  • Site prioritization
  • Groundwater sampling and field data collection
  • Groundwater modeling
  • Statistics