Indian River Lagoon Storm Event Monitoring and Load Characterization
As part of a new watershed model effort led by the SJRWMD, stormwater and baseflow data were collected from four sites from the Central to the Northern IRL. This project, funded by the SJRWMD, includes collecting event driven water quality data using autosamplers at four sites and calculating annual load data. AEI supported ECT in field data collection, maintenance, and analyses of the Vero Beach field site. Strict SOP in field data collection, equipment decontamination, and reporting were maintained throughout the project.

- SJRWMD (subcontractors for ECT)
- Jeff Smith (Environmental Scientist, ECT)
Project Duration:
- 2015 – 2016
Team Members:
- Dr. Claudia Listopad
- William Paton
Services Provided:
- Stormwater and baseflow field data collection
- Site maintenance
- Data analysis
- Reporting