Seismic and Hydrographic Survey Jupiter/Carlin Shore Protection and Geotechnical Projects

Geotechnical investigation of sub-surface conditions off the east coast of central Florida was conducted by collecting and interpreting seismic records to determine sub-bottom sediment stratigraphy and optimal locations for core borings to identify beach compatible sediments. The 6,300 ft.  X 13,000-ft. project area included 60 miles of survey lines. The data collection phase of the fieldwork was completed using a 40ft. vessel to tow a sub-bottom profiler and side- scan sonar.  A hydrographic survey of the project area was performed coincident with sub-bottom tracklines using a digital fathometer that interfaced with navigation software.  Positioning data were collected using a high resolution Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and graphic-oriented HYPACK navigational software. Data interpretation included hydrographic survey results reduced to bathymetric contours referenced to NGVD at two-foot intervals.  Sub-bottom seismic data interpretation included isopach (sediment thickness) and distance/elevation to hard bottom below unconsolidated sediment. Data were presented in CAD-generated plots/maps.

Sub-bottom profile showing underlying rock surface and sediment overburden.

Sub-bottom profile showing underlying rock surface and sediment overburden.

Using the data analyzed from the Geotechnical Investigation 33 cores were collected. Cores were split, sampled, photographed, color coded according to Munsell Color Chart and logged according to the ASTM version of the Unified Soils Classification System. Mechanical sediment gradation analyses, fine sediment and carbonate tests were performed on individual and composite samples.  A report of the geophysical and geotechnical analyses including core logs and digital photographic records was provided to the client.


  • Palm Beach County
Project Duration:
  • 2007
Team Members:
  • Dr. Gary Zarillo
Services Provided:
  • Hydrographic survey
  • Sediment Gradation Analyses