Using In-Situ Data for the Development of a Geospatial Watershed Loading Model for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District

This is a multi-task project included fieldwork for ecosystem mapping, photointerpretation, extensive statistical analyses of hydrological and water quality data, and incorporation of these field collected datasets in custom programmed watershed loading models. Dr. Listopad lead the statistical design and subsequent analyses of five years of hydrological and water quality monitoring data taken place in multiple basins of the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) and the Patrick Air Force Base (PAFB). Results from these statistical analyses were incorporated in a custom watershed loading model for both bases. GIS input data, such as land use, soil type, treatment location and type, interpolated rainfall and remotely derived evaporation estimates were also developed as part of this project. Habitat mapping took place using photointerpretation and field assessments. Future efforts will include using the model outputs to update the Compliance Masterplans to include most effective stormwater treatments for both Patrick Air Force and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Example of a typical autosampler setup used for stormwater and baseflow sampling.

Example of a typical autosampler setup used for stormwater and baseflow sampling.
  • US Army Corps of Engineers (subcontractors of MSE Group)
  • Ellen Eveland (P.E. and Senior Engineer MSE)
Project Duration:
  • 2016 – 2017
Team Members:
  • Dr. Claudia Listopad
  • William Paton
  • Danielle Huffner
Services Provided:
  • Hydrological analyses
  • Photointerpretation
  • Field ecological mapping
  • Hydrological modeling
  • Statistics
  • Reporting