Applied Ecology (AEI) has recently merged with Scientific Environmental Applications (SEA), an environmental and geotechnical services firm with 30 years of project experience in Florida, the Caribbean, and along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. As a Certified Geologist Business, Applied Ecology can now provide a full-range of complementary services to federal, municipal, and private companies that include 2-D and 3-D Numerical Modeling and Geotechnical Services. Dr. Gary Zarillo, a Coastal Oceanographer and professionally registered (PG) Coastal Geologist with 40 years of research and consulting experience is leading these service areas as Applied Ecology’s Principal Geologist.  His expertise includes over 75 sand source projects for beach renourishment, predictions of sediment dynamics, tidal inlet hydraulics, the hydrodynamics of nearshore and estuarine environments. Dr. Zarillo will also serve as the Quality Assurance Officer for projects including water resources modeling and remote sensing components, particularly those in estuarine and coastal environments. For more details on the new core competencies and how we can use them to meet your needs, please contact us!
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